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Home ❤️

It’s been so long since I have been home  It’s been so long since I have slept like a baby It’s been so long since I took a deep breath and let loose  It’s been so long since I ate till my stomach hurt  It’s been so long since my smile reached my eyes  Now that I have you, will you be my home? Will you come back to me every evening? Will you sit and eat with me everyday? Will you put the phones away and lie down with me to listen to nothing but each other’s heartbeats? Will you be my pillow when I want to give it all up and calm down? Will you run your fingers through my hair until I go to sleep? Will you laugh with me on the simplest and silliest things?  Will you be my home? 
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Hope for a new tomorrow

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बचपन की यादें

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A Note To Self - Understanding Perseverance

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